Learn all there is to know about Aquaponics gardening in Aquaponics 4 You, a complete guide on starting up and running an aquaponics system.
Step by Step to Aquaponics Gardening -Video
Learn all there is to know about Aquaponics gardening in Aquaponics 4 You, a complete guide on starting up and running an aquaponics system.
Dealing With Pests and Diseases
There are a few different methods of dealing with any pests and/or diseases in your system, of course most of these require no petrochemical based sprays as these are generally very toxic to fish and also possibly the beneficial bacteria within the aquaponics system.
Caterpillars are easily controlled by applications of Bacillus thuringiensis, this is a natural soil borne bacteria which is available around the world under a number of different brand names. Often organically certified the spray is safe for aquaponic systems.
For sap sucking insects you can use chilli and garlic sprays, these are often available commercially now a days, however they should always be used in moderation, as excess and overspray is never good.
For moulds and fungus on plants you can use potassium bicarbonate sprayed onto the effected plants. Potassium bicarbonate is available under a number of different brand names around the world. It also can help a system by adding potassium, something often lacking in an aquaponics system and the bicarbonate helps to keep the pH up, as most of the time pH goes down in mature systems.
If slugs are a problem, a small saucer filled with beer will attract them and they easily drown, making disposal simple and effective. Coloured sticky traps work well for thrips, aphids and whiteflies and are a good way to monitor visitors to your aquaponic system
Feeding Your Aquaponics Fish
Feeding your aquaponics fish is one of your daily tasks when running
an Aquaponics system. It is vital for the fish and in turn essential for
the production of plant nutrients. In this article we’ll talk about the
what, when and how to feed your fish. We’ll also talk about using
auto-feeders for the ones among you who like to automate life!
Most fish are not picky on feeding schedule; indeed in the wild there
is no such thing as regular feeding. They will adjust their metabolisms
and growth rates according to food availability. So if you want to grow
fish quickly, simply feed them often. However, be careful with crowding
because a population density which is too high will make the fish
labile to disease outbreaks. With regards to the actual amounts of feed
per feeding session, you should give them as much feed as they can eat
within five minutes.
Many automatic feeders are available, differing in complexity and
price. However, you can get simple cheap ones which will do the job just
fine. You should set the feeding times at once or twice daily, possibly
more if you want to grow fish quickly and have a low stocking density.
Using an automatic feeder does not mean that you can stop checking on
you system daily, because if you do, you won’t know if anything goes
wrong with the system.
With regards to the actual feed, most people opt for commercial feed,
which is an excellent choice. Commercial fee is either of the
omnivorous or carnivorous type and these will differ in their quantities
of protein. Check with your local fisheries department for the most
suitable one for the particular fish species you are growing; though
most fish thrive well on both. Feed also comes in different pellet sizes
– you should get the small ones for young fish and larger ones as the
fish grow bigger.
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carefreeenzymes.com |
Many Aquaponics gardeners grow their own fish feed to drastically cut
costs. The most commonly grown of such feeds is duckweed, a fast growing
plant that is rich in protein. You can grow this in a separate tank or
pond. To provide more protein, you can also grow worms and black soldier
fly larvae. You can also feed your fish some garden scraps. For
example, most omnivorous fish will enjoy bland-tasting plants and
vegetable, such as lettuce. Be careful that the plant-food you give to
the fish is not covered in pesticides or other harmful chemicals.
Starting Your Aquaponics Systems Without Fish

To carry out Aquaponics fishless cycling, you need to buy a source of
ammonia – generally found in Cyclic Kits. Next, add in the ammonia to
the fish tank’s water until you get a level between 2 to 4ppm (parts per
million). For fish tanks smaller than 100 gallons, add half a teaspoon
of ammonia at a time, and test. Consult the mixing instructions on the
ammonia you buy, as different types of mixtures have different
strengths. If you overshoot, and you get a reading higher than 4ppm,
simply remove some of the water and add in fresh water to dilute the
ammonia strength.
Once you get a level of 2 to 4ppm, you should test the water every
day for ammonia, nitrites and pH levels. When ammonia levels start
dropping, add some more to keep a level of 2 to 4ppm. Once nitrates
appear (at least 5ppm), stop adding ammonia. Shortly after, the ammonia
and nitrite levels should drop to below 0.5ppm. What this happens, the
cycling is over and you can safely add the fish. During the cycling
process, try to keep the temperature of the water to about 77 to 86°F
and the pH to around 7 to 8, as this will speed up bacterial growth.
Aquaponics cycling without fish is safer than when you use fish, and
much quicker. Typically, with the fishless method you can get your
system up and running in just 10 days, compared to the 4 weeks it would
take if you opt for cycling with fish.
Adding Salt to Your Aquaponics Systems
Many people add salt to their aquaponics system and you may be
thinking of doing the same. The practice of adding salt in Aquaponics systems
has its pros and cons, and if you decide to use salt you should do so
The main purpose of adding salt in Aquaponics systems is for disease control;
salt acts like a natural anti-bacterial agent. In addition, a small
amount of salt improves the mucous covering on a fish’s body, and this
improves the resistance of the fish to diseases and parasites. Salt may
also help to prevent fungal infections. If you opt for salt addition,
use pure sea salt and avoid table salt. If you can’t find any pure sea
salt, swimming pool salt is a viable alternative.
However, adding too much salt will kill the fish and stunt plant
growth. Therefore, when adding salt, you should do it only in calculated
amounts. A good rule of thumb is 1 to 2 ppt (parts per thousand) of
salt to water. Some plants and fish will tolerate higher levels, but if
you are a novice in Aquaponics systems, you should stick to this amount.
Remember, that as time passes, the concentration of salt in the system
will change. Evaporation of water, water taken up by the plants, etc…
will lead to an increase in salt concentration. It is therefore
important that you monitor salt concentration regularly, and you can do
so by using an apparatus called a refractometer. You can buy cheap
refractometers for just a few dollars and they will do the job.
Many people will have a separate small tank that they use for sick
fish, a kind of quarantine tank. This is a good idea as it prevents the
spread of disease to other fish and allows you to give medication only
to the sick fish and not to the whole system. If you keep such a tank,
salt can be very useful, as salt will enhance the fish’s immune system.
You can use higher concentration of salt in your sick tank – up to 10
ppt for a few hours to a few days. Make sure to keep the tank well
As mentioned already, different fish have different levels of salt
tolerance, so to be on the safe side check with your local fisheries
department for levels of tolerability of the species you are growing. In
addition, remember that even if the fish you are growing are very
tolerant to salt (for example tilapia can be grown in a salt
concentration of up to 20-30ppt), the plants will not tolerate high
concentrations. It is safer if you stick to 1-2ppt.
Aquaponic Gardening Stocking Densities
The term of aquaponics stoking densities refers to the number of fish that need to be grown in the aquaponics systems fish tanks.
More fish in your aquaponics systems means more profit, however stocking too many fish will lead to ill health of both fish and plants. The fish will not grow as well and will start dying, and there will be a buildup of wastes which will be toxic to both fish and plants.
Therefore, you need to find the perfect balance of stocking as many fish as possible before this starts having an adverse effect on their growth.
The question is how to measure the stocking densities for your aquaponics systems?
If you are looking for a short answer on the Aquaponics stocking densities to use, then go for 1 fish
per 10 liters of water.
Now for the longer answer.
It is more accurate to talk about stocking densities in terms of kilograms of fish per cubic meter or liters of waters.
For most Aquaponics systems set-ups, you should go for 30 to 40 kg of fish per 1000 liters. Use this rule of thumb as a maximum number, and opt for a lower number if you are new to Aquaponics gardening.
Just keep in mind that apart from the stocking density, the amount of food you put into the tanks will also dictate how well the system runs – if you feed too much, there will be an accumulation of waste that the bacteria may not be able to handle.
So let’s work out stocking densities in terms of tilapia.
When you buy 100 tilapia fingerlings, these may weigh a kilo combined. If we have a 1000 liter fish tank, then our current stocking density is 1kg/1000L. Tilapia grow quickly and soon enough they’ll weigh a combined total of say 40kg, giving us a stocking density of 40kg/1000L.
By using the rule of thumb of one fish per ten liters of water, then you’ll have to harvest the fish as soon as they’re big enough, or else you’ll end up with a stocking density which is straining the system.
Individual fish grow at different rates, and you should start taking out the large ones as soon as they’re big enough to eat.
Do not wait until all of them are big enough. This is actually a good thing, as you will have to harvest at a rate at which you can eat/sell them and not have to freeze a large quantity of fish.
You can actually harvest a single lot of fish over several months, as the rates of growth of individual fish are so different.
This applies even to fish species with particularly fast growing rates, such as trout.
When Will I harvest My Aquaponics Plants?

When purchasing plant seeds for your aquaponics system, check out the information on the package
– it will tell you how long the plant normally takes to be ready for
harvesting. Now, if this is the first time you are setting up the
Aquaponics system, you won’t be able to plant the seeds immediately.
This is because the wastes from the fish will need about 3 months to be
turned into nutrients by the bacteria. However, if you want to start
planting immediately, you can supply the nitrates into the water

A large number of plants can be grown in an aquaponics gardening
system, mainly with the exception of root vegetables. However, for most
above-ground plants, aquaponics system is an ideal set-up to grow these. Very
common plants grown in these aquaponic systems are herbs and green leafy
vegetables, as well as plants such as tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce,
chili, red salad onions, celery, broccoli, beans, and cauliflower.
Common herbs grown in aquaponics gardening include parsley, watercress,
basil, sage, and coriander.
If you are running an aquaponics system for profit (i.e. to sell the
vegetables and fish), then the species you choose to grow will also
depend on the current demand and prices in your area. Most people find
that they can charge higher prices for the same foods than those found
in supermarkets, because organic home-grown foods attract a premium.
Many start out with aquaponics gardening as a hobby, and it ends up being an
important source of income!
Aquaponic Gardening Grow Bed
The aquaponics grow bed is one of the two main components of an
Aquaponics gardening system, the other being the fish tank. The grow bed
houses the plants and the bacteria responsible for breaking down the
fish waste and turning them into nutrients for the plants.
In an aquaponics system, water is pumped from the fish tank and into
the grow bed. Bacteria breakdown fish waste into nitrogen, which is
taken up by the plants and used to grow. The clean water is then
returned into the fish tank. Through this process, an Aquaponics system
uses just 10% of the water that traditional agriculture requires.
With regards to the ratio of grow bed to fish tank, here’s how you
can calculate it. Fish density should be kept at no more than 1 pound of
fish per 3 gallons of water. Now, for every 6 gallons of water, you
should have about 1 square foot of deep grow bed (about 12 inches deep).
This is to ensure an adequate fish waste to plant biomass ratio.
Therefore, you will be having about 2 pounds of fish for each square
foot of deep grow bed area. However, note that this is a maximum number.
If you are just starting out, it is safer to opt for one fish per 5 to
10 gallons of water. As a rule of thumb, use a fish tank to grow bed
ratio of 1:1 (by volume).
It is safer to have a higher grow bed: fish tank ratio than the other way round. If you have too little grow bed, there won’t be enough bacteria to break down the fish wastes as they accumulate, and soon enough the fish and plants will start dying. You should use a grow bed that is about 12 inches deep and definitely nothing less than 9 inches.
When setting up your system, the water level in the grow bed should be about 1 inch from the top, as the top of the plants should not be wet. In addition, this will ensure that there is no direct sunlight on the water, which would in turn cause an algae bloom. Therefore with a 12 inch deep grow bed, you will be looking at about 10 to 11 inches of which are submersed.
An important aspect of a healthy grow bed is dissolved oxygen, as oxygen is essential for proper bacteria (and fish) growth. Plants also require good oxygen levels on their roots. Ideal dissolved oxygen levels for an aquaponics system are those above 6 parts per million. To ensure healthy dissolved oxygen levels, you should incorporate water stone aeration and some water jetting action; you can incorporate the latter in the way the water returns back to the fish tank from the grow beds.
Aquaponics System- Grow Bed Media and Water
Two important components for aquaponics systems are grow bed medium and water.
What is a grow bed medium and water?
The grow bed medium is the plant’s habitat while the water is the fish’s habitat.
The two are interconnected and if there are problems in one, they will manifest themselves in the other.
What can I choose as the aquaponics grow bed media?
There are many grow bed media to choose from, ranging from simple ones to ‘bioengineered” branded ones.
A very popular and effective one is gravel, which also happens to be very cheap.
Gravel is ideal because it provides good support for the roots of the plants and filters the water well. In addition, it proves to be a good habitat for the beneficial bacteria, which will be busy turning fish wastes into plant nutrients.
Get round gravel, and it should be big enough not to clog but small enough to provide good root support. The plant roots need good water circulation and oxygen, and if the medium compacts too much, this won’t be possible. Good medium size for Aquaponic gardening is around 0.5 to 0.75 of an inch in diameter.
If you want to use another type of medium, please ensure that it has some important properties.
First, it should be chemically inert
Second, it must not influence the pH of the water.
For example, limestone leaks calcium carbonate and this will push the pH up.
Third, the medium should not decompose, as this will affect the pH levels and potentially clog the systems. Decomposing materials can also leak substances in the water that can harm your fish. Avoid soil, peat moss, sawdust or wood chippings.
It is important that the medium you choose is porous, as this will allow for good air and water circulation and will give the bacteria plenty of surface area to colonize.
You should also make sure that the medium is easy to handle; it should be gentle on the hands and on the plant’s roots.
Now, something about the water.
You want the water to be pure, free of chlorine and other chemicals and as close to pH 7 as possible.
Municipal water will be of high pH and will contain chlorine. However, all you have to do is to fill your tank and let it sit for two or three days. The chlorine will evaporate off by itself.
If the pH of your water is too high, you can buy aquarium pH regulators, or else add in some vinegar or iron sulfate fertilizer. Add small quantities at a time and test.
On the other hand, if the pH of the water is too low, get an aquarium pH regulator, add in some baking soda or calcium carbonate. Again, add in small quantities at a time and test.
Your final pH should be between 6.7 to 7.
Get all the information and insider secrets about setting up a successful Aquaponics
system in Aquaponics 4 You.
Backyard Aquaponics Gardening
Aquaponics gardening is an excellent way of growing food in your own backyard. A
small, simple backyard aquaponics set-up can produce enough food to
feed your family and have extra to give away to friends!
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Picture from ecohunk |
The equipments need for your backyard aquaponics
- Tank for the fish
- Hydroponic grow bed for the vegetables
- Pump
- Tubing
- Submersible heater (for cold area or type of fish that you choose)
- pH testing kit
- Tank for the fish
- Hydroponic grow bed for the vegetables
- Pump
- Tubing
- Submersible heater (for cold area or type of fish that you choose)
- pH testing kit
You can refer to this video to see the equipments.
Let’s get started with fish tank for the aquaponics systems.
The larger the tank, the more fish you will able to grow, the more nutrients will be generated to the plants.
Consider to use a small tank if you are a beginner in aquaponics gardening.
The minimum size of the tank is a tank that can hold 50gallon of water, about 190 liters.
• Save money by using recycle item. For example, recycle bathtubs.
• Line them with EPDM pond liner to make them water tight
• Place the tank at the intended location from the start. It will get really heavy afterwards.
• Don’t place the tank in direct sunlight as this would cause an algel bloom
The size of the grow bed you’ll use will depend on the size of the fish tank: the more fish you’re growing, the more waste that is generated, and the more nutrients that will be available for the plants.
• Save money by using recycle item. For example, recycle bathtubs.
• Line them with EPDM pond liner to make them water tight
• Place the tank at the intended location from the start. It will get really heavy afterwards.
• Don’t place the tank in direct sunlight as this would cause an algel bloom
The size of the grow bed you’ll use will depend on the size of the fish tank: the more fish you’re growing, the more waste that is generated, and the more nutrients that will be available for the plants.
Generally, a volume ratio of 1:1 grow bed to fish tank is recommended. The Aquaponics grow beds should be about 12 inches deep, in order to provide sufficient support for the plants and to provide enough space for the bacteria to thrive.
You can use gravel for the growing medium.
Gravel supports the plants, acts as filter, has good water flow characteristics and yields good plant growth. You don’t have to buy filtering elements from the shop. Just get smooth, round gravel that is gentle on the hand and on the roots.
The size is about 1/3 to ¾ of an inch in diameter.
Don’t use small gravel as it may clog and obstruct the water flow and don’t use too large gravel either as it will not act as a filter and will not be able to support the plant’s root.
Don’t use small gravel as it may clog and obstruct the water flow and don’t use too large gravel either as it will not act as a filter and will not be able to support the plant’s root.
The gravel will also provide an excellent habitat for the bacteria, which are a crucial component of an aquaponics system.
- Don’t use limestone as it leaches calcium carbonate which increases the pH of the water
- Don’t use limestone as it leaches calcium carbonate which increases the pH of the water
If the aquaponics system are set up properly, you will need just one pump for the system to run efficienctly. Water is pumped from the fish tank to the grow bed, and then returns to the fish tank via gravity. For this, you will need a water pump and pipes.
Many aquaponics gardeners use a timer-operated pump, setting it to switch on for 15 minutes every 45 minutes. This helps to oxygenate the water. When buying a pump, get one that can pump the entire volume of the tank in an hour – this will depend on the volume of your tank. Larger aquaponics tanks need larger pumps.
Submersible heater is not required if you choose the fish wisely. Read this post for choosing the fish in aquaponics gardening. However, if you are able to maintain uniform temperature for your aquaponics systems, it will speed up growth of both fish and plants.
The reason why plants benefit as well is because the bacteria in the water will be more efficient at converting wastes to nutrients, and the plants will therefore have more nitrogen available to them. Note that water heating is a requirement if you are growing fish that have optimal temperature ranges that are different from the temperature in the area of your setup. Water heating is also required if the temperature of the aquaponics system’s location fluctuates a lot, as this will stunt or kill the fish.
It is a good idea to have a good pH testing kit at hand, as it is tantamount that the pH of the water stays around 6.7 to 7.0. Fish can tolerate pHs up to 8.0, but plant growth will suffer at high pH. On the other hand, plants can tolerate pHs as low as 4.5, but fish will start to die at pHs under 6.5. Therefore, a pH range of 6.7 to 7.0 is optimal to both fish and plants.
Plants for Your Indoor Aquaponics Gardening
If you are reading this article right now, you must be interested in having your own Aquaponics systems that would provide you fresh, home grown organic vegetables available to you every day.
There are many vegetables that can be grown for your aquaponics systems. The most popular ones are lettuce, cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, spinach, watercress, basil, parsley and mint.
You can also grow a number of different aquaponics plants in a single aquaponics systems.
The easiest plants to grow for your aquaponics systems are lettuce and cucumber.
Lettuce matures in 40 days and really easy to grow.
Lettuce matures in 40 days and really easy to grow.
The optimal temperature range is between 60-80 degrees F.
The lettuce root (i.e. water) temperature should be between 70-74 degrees Fahrenheit. Lettuce is a perfect combination with tilapia as tilapia also needs warmer water.
How to grow lettuce for aquaponics systems?
To grow lettuce, you can either plant the seeds directly into your hydroponic beds or else you can plant the seeds in a pot and then transfer them to the grow bed when they have grown a few inches.
When the time comes for harvesting, you can either pick the whole plant or just take a few leaves at a time – exactly the number of leaves you need for that side salad!
Most aquaponics gardeners grow English Cucumber.
Most aquaponics gardeners grow English Cucumber.
Cucumbers grow best at air temperatures of 75 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit, and prefer a humidity level that is below 75%.
English cucumbers mature in just 6 to 8 weeks and are ready to eat when they reach 6 inches in length.
Squash, melons, buttercup, watermelon and cantaloupe are very similar to cucumber in requirements and grow well using an Aquaponics set-up.
Tomatoes require a high level of nutrients. To achieve this, you will need to have a fairly crowded fish tank, and therefore you will need to choose fish that grow well at dense populations. Refer this post (fish for your aquaponics systems).
Tomatoes grow best when they have about 8 to 12 hours of light per day (especially when fruiting) and at temperatures around 68 to 88 degrees F.
Tomatoes should not be seeded directly in the hydroponic bed; instead seed them in a seedling tray and transplant them after about 2 to 6 weeks. For the best taste, allow the tomatoes to fully ripen before picking.
To discover how to choose the best plants for your aquaponics gardening, and how to get the best yields, check out Aquaponics 4 You
Fish for Aquaponics Gardening
Fish in aquaponics gardening will not only provide nutrients for the vegetables you are growing, but they also provide you with a tasty food (rich in protein and omega 3s).
You can also make extra income selling aquaponics fish apart from having your own nice grown vegetables.
There are many types of fish you can use for aquaponics gardening. The question is how to choose a perfect species for your aquaponics gardening. Read this and please keep this in mind.
· Different type of fish will have different requirements, an optimal temperature and pH ranges.
· Some of the species will be able to grow in large population density, while others may need more space for them to live.
· Some of the fishes can be mixed with another while some of them must live within their own species.
· Some of the fishes grow really fast while some of them are not.
Please choose wisely.
Now, let us take a look at popular fish for aquaponics gardening. You can choose this two types of fish based on your living area.
If you live in a warmer area, please choose tilapia since they grow best at temperatures of 82° to 86°F and start dying if the temperature drops below 50°F.
Why do they die?
This is because, at temperatures below 54°F, tilapia lose their resistance to disease and are prone to infections.
I live in a cold area. Can I still use tilapia for my aquaponics gardening?
Of course, if you live in cold areas but keep your house heated, you can set up an aquaponics system in a room and still grow tilapia.
Tilapias are particularly suited to aquaponics gardening because they are very hardy and will survive fluctuations of pH and waste build-up better than most other fish. In addition, they can grow well in crowded tanks, and grow quickly.

If you live in colder areas, you can choose trout. Although different trout species have slightly different requirements, most have an optimal range of 40° to 65°F.
Like tilapia, they grow fairly quickly and make tasty food.
Below are the fish recommended for aquaponics gardening with some helpful sites for information regarding the species.
Yellow Perch www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/water/fhp/fish/3jyperch.htm
Channel Catfish www.farminfo.org/aquaculture/chancat.htm
Hybrid Striped Bass www.tpwd.state.tx.us/fish/infish/species/swh/swh.htm
Northern Crayfish www.aquanic.org/publicat/state/il-in/as-500.htm
Largemouth Bass www.tpwd.state.tx.us/fish/infish/species/lmb/lmb.htm
Smallmouth Bass www.tpwd.state.tx.us/fish/infish/species/smb/smb.htm
Goldfish members.aol.com/sirchin/goldfish.htm
Try to make some research before deciding what to use in your aquaponics systems.
To discover how to get the best yields and fish growth rates for you aquaponic systems, check out Aquaponics 4 You
Starting Up -Your Do It Yourself Aquaphonic Systems
For starting up your own aquaponics systems, you must first know the equipments needed. Read this post about the equipments needed for aquaponics systems.
Your Aquaponics systems will depend on the bacteria. The bacteria breakdown fish waste and transform it into plant fertilizer and create a perfect balance and synergy between the fish and plants.
The cycle starts when you put the fish in the tank. Ammonia will be produced in the fish waste. Nitrosomonas bacteria in the air will populate the water surface, and start converting the toxic ammonia into nitrites. Nitrites are still toxic, but their presence will attract nitrobacter bacteria. These will colonize your system and convert the nitrites into nitrates, which are harmless to the fish and excellent fertilizes to the plants.
When this happens, you will be able to trace the presence of nitrates in the aquaponics systems. The level of the ammonia and nitrites will drop below 0.5ppm. This will signal that your aquaponics system is now up and running!
The key for starting up your Aquaponics system involves making sure that the bacteria grows and thrives in your system, and you will need to give it some time before the population of bacteria can support fish and plant growth. This will generally take about four to six weeks in total.
Some of aquaponics gardeners nowadays start their aquaponics systems with the “fishless” method. This method will not use fish as the source of the ammonia but using artificial ammonia.

For this method, you will need Aquaponics Gardening Cycling Kits which will provide all the tools for the aquaponics systems.
You can start adding fish once the system is up and running and the bacteria are thriving (i.e. when the levels of ammonia and nitrites drop to below 0.5ppm).
Ok, now, which method is better?
Using the artificial ammonia is safer since there is no danger of having fish dying due to initial ammonia spikes. In order to use the fishless method, what you can do is you can modify the other parameter such as the temperature to the level where bacteria multiply more rapidly at this temperature (typically 77 to 86°F).
You can also modify the pH to about 7 to 8 to speed up bacterial growth and oxygenate the tank as much as possible, for example by using air stones and some kind of water jetting action.
In addition, you can also buy bacterial colonies, which will definitely speed up the process.
- Get some filter material or gravel from an established, disease-free aquarium as this will be rich in the bacterial colonies we want.
- Get some rocks and pebbles from a river or lake, but be careful of the risk of introducing disease and parasites.
- Get some filter material or gravel from an established, disease-free aquarium as this will be rich in the bacterial colonies we want.
- Get some rocks and pebbles from a river or lake, but be careful of the risk of introducing disease and parasites.
Why Do You Have to Choose Aquaponic Gardening #2

An aquaponics system will save you a lot of money, because you will be growing your own food. In addition, it will work out much cheaper than if you had to grow the vegetables and fish separately. This is even more pertinent in the current financial climate, when the food prices keep going up and the price of fresh vegetables and fish has gone through the roof!
The food you grow will be organic, as no pesticides or harmful chemicals are added. You will have peace of mind knowing that the food you are eating is safe, and it will taste better too. Aquaponics gardening gives you total flexibility to what vegetables and fish you grow, so whatever you like to eat, you can grow it yourself! You can even build your aquaponics system indoor or at your backyard.
An aquaponics gardening system is easy to set up and it doesn’t require a lot of space as the whole system is very efficient. Generally, the hydroponic bed will be placed directly above the fish tank, thus making the best use of the available space. It is also very pleasing to look at – it’s like having an aquarium with a large gardening container on top! The whole concept and workings of the system is very fascinating and many do it as a hobby. It has all the joys of gardening and fish-keeping, but it is easier and more profitable.

Another advantage over traditional farming and fish growing is that it does not require back-breaking work and dirty clothes, no weeding and no digging. The system will practically work by itself once you get it started!
Last but not least, aquaponics gardening can be a lucrative source of income, as organically grown food is highly desirable and fetches good prices. Many people are dedicating whole rooms for aquaponics, so that they will have a lot of food to sell. This system generates a lot of food in least amount of space, making it ideal for growing food for profit. It is very easy to scale, as the same principle apply whether you are setting up a small system in a corner or large one taking up a whole room. Generally, people start with a small set-up, but quickly scale up when they see how efficient and profitable aquaponics gardening is!
Learn all there is to know about Aquaponics gardening in Aquaponics 4 You, a complete guide on starting up and running an aquaponics system.
What is Aquaponics Gardening?
The definition of aquaponics is the combination of the words AQUAcultue and hydroPONICS.
Means, it is the combination of the growing of fish and the growing of vegetables
and herbs.
Systems Concept
It starts with adding fish to the fish tank or some of aquaponics gardeners
use fishless method to start the cycle.
The water from the fish will reach the grow bed. The plants take up some of
the water and with it the nitrogen in the water. If the nitrogen is allowed to
build up in the fish tank, it will reach toxic levels. However, this nitrogen
happens to be a perfect fertilizer for the vegetables! This saves you from
having to add artificial fertilizer, which is expensive and contains synthetic
chemicals that are potential harmful.
After the plants have taken up the nitrogen, the water returns to the fish
pond squeaky clean. Hence, you won’t need complicated filtering systems for the
fish water, as the plants will do this work for you!
You can read the fishless method and the cycle in this post.
The benefits of aquaponics systems are:
Home growing food
Sustainable food production
Organic food, no additives
Save lots of money (long term)
Higher food quality
Large amount of food in the least space
Flexible system
Can be scaled according to needs
Easy to get equipments
Can be a source of income
Once you understand the concepts of aquaponics systems, you’ll realize that
the set-up required is actually very basic, and it can be easily
constructed using materials from around your house or purchased cheaply at
any local hardware store. All you need are some core instructions and a few
diagrams to get you started.
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